書名/副題 | 著者 |
発行者/発行年 | 縦×横/頁 | 付記 所在 | 詳細 |
< 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 >
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Puppetry of India (exhibition Catalogue)
Puppetry of India (exhibition Catalogue) | (catalogue)
(catalogue) | Center of puppetry arts.
1986 | 縦:24 横:18.5 頁:37 |
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
NANG YAI | あじあみんぞくぞうけいぶんかけんきゅうしょ
アジア民族造形文化研究所 | 淡神文化財研究所
1990年11月 | 縦:298 横:210 頁:78 | タイ王国伝統芸能影絵芝居
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Katalog der Sammlung des Deutschen Ledesmuseums.Das Thailand
Katalog der Sammlung des Deutschen Ledesmuseums.Das Thailand | Gotzfried,Sangsri
Gotzfried,Sangsri | Verlag Gutenberg
1991 | 縦:28 横:21 頁:87 |
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
The Asian Shadow-play
The Asian Shadow-play | Tilakasiri,Jayadeva
Tilakasiri,Jayadeva | A Sarvodaya Vishva Lekha pub.
1999 | 縦:20.5 横:13.5 頁:257 |
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Sudostasiatische Schattenspiele. Masken aus Figuren and java
Sudostasiatische Schattenspiele. Masken aus Figuren and java | Staatlichen Museen Berlin
Staatlichen Museen Berlin | Museum fur Volkerkunde
1967 | 縦:23 横:17.5 頁:62 |
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Shadow of Life Nang Talung.,Thai popular Shadow Theatre.
Shadow of Life Nang Talung.,Thai popular Shadow Theatre. | Broman,Sven
Broman,Sven | White Orchid Books
1996 | 縦:21.5 横:19.5 頁:105 |
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Le Theatre d'Ombres a Kelantan.(Lespece Humaine14)
Le Theatre d'Ombres a Kelantan.(Lespece Humaine14) | Cuisinier,Jearne
Cuisinier,Jearne | Gallimard.
1957 | 縦:22 横:14 頁:246 |
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
<ヨーロッパ語圏の影絵> |
| 縦: 横: 頁: |
★所在: 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Schatten-und Marionettenspiel in Savantvadi
Schatten-und Marionettenspiel in Savantvadi | Seltmann,Friedrich
Seltmann,Friedrich | Frang Steiner.Verlag
1985 | 縦:28.5 横:21 頁:140 |
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Tolu Bommalata
Tolu Bommalata | Sarma,M.Nagabhushana
Sarma,M.Nagabhushana | Sangeet Natak Akademi
1985 | 縦:24.5 横:18.5 頁:65 |
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Le Theatre D'ombres
Le Theatre D'ombres | Khaznadar,F&C
Khaznadar,F&C | Maison de la Culture de Rennes & knoynadar.
1978 | 縦:27 横:19.5 頁:45 |
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
La Technique au service du Theatre… Bimestriel
La Technique au service du Theatre… Bimestriel Fev.1979 Deuxieme annee |
AS | actualite de lascenographie
1979 | 縦:29.5 横:21 頁:62 |
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Schatten Theater
Schatten Theater | Mayer,Fred
Mayer,Fred | Edition Popp
1979 | 縦:26.5 横:22.5 頁:247 |
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
schattentheater.Festival ausgabe 2006
schattentheater.Festival ausgabe 2006 Gmuendguide Int'l |
(magazine) | Gmuendguide
2006 | 縦:27 横:21 頁:83 |
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Spectacles Dombres. Silhouettes et Dessins animes
Spectacles Dombres. Silhouettes et Dessins animes | Salvagniac,J.G
Salvagniac,J.G | Editions Billaudot
1959 | 縦:27 横:21 頁:18 |
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
An International Seminar on the Shadow plays of Asia
An International Seminar on the Shadow plays of Asia Tokyo-18-22 June 1975 | Sweeney,P.L.A/Goto Akira.
Sweeney,P.L.A/Goto Akira. | East Asian Cultural Studies.
1976 | 縦:25.5 横:18 頁:96 |
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
L'ombres des Marionnettes with 12 Slide Films.
L'ombres des Marionnettes with 12 Slide Films. |
| Centre Nationalde Documentation Pedagogique
| 縦:22 横:18.5 頁:47 |
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Schatten Theater Wegweiser zur Volkerkunde Helt13
Schatten Theater Wegweiser zur Volkerkunde Helt13 | Wilpert,Clara B.
Wilpert,Clara B. | selbsVerlag
1982 | 縦:21 横:14.5 頁:102 |
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Le Theatre Dombres. Collection Mille・pattes.
Le Theatre Dombres. Collection Mille・pattes. | Merescot,Claudie
Merescot,Claudie | Fleurs Idees
1992 | 縦:24 横:18 頁:48 |
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
The Enchanted Caribou
The Enchanted Caribou | Cleaver,Elizabeth
Cleaver,Elizabeth | Oxford univ. press
1985 | 縦:22 横:27 頁:32 |
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Shadowgraphs. Anyone can make
Shadowgraphs. Anyone can make | Running press
Running press | Running press
1991 | 縦:22 横:26 頁:32 |
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Shadow・play | Fleischman,paul
Fleischman,paul | Harpers&Row pub.
1990 | 縦:25.5 横:26 頁:34 |
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
World of Shadow Teaching with Shadow Puppetry.
World of Shadow Teaching with Shadow Puppetry. | Wisniewski,David & Donna.
Wisniewski,David & Donna. | Teacher Idea press
1997 | 縦:28 横:21.5 頁:223 |
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Schatten Theater Helt 1/1992
Schatten Theater Helt 1/1992 |
(magazine) | Internationales schattenspiel
1992 | 縦:29.5 横:21 頁:39 |
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Schatten Theater Helt 3/1995
Schatten Theater Helt 3/1995 |
(magazine) | Internationale schattenspiel
1995 | 縦:29.5 横:21 頁:28 |
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |