書名/副題 | 著者 |
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Harlequin Puppet Theatre Programme
Harlequin Puppet Theatre Programme |
| The Harlequin Puppet Theatre
| 縦:24.5 横:18.5 頁:6 | ハーレクウィン人形劇のプログラム
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Harper's New Monthly Magazine volumeⅩLⅡ
Harper's New Monthly Magazine volumeⅩLⅡ | Harper&Brothers
Harper & Brothers | Harper & Brothers Pub
1871 | 縦:24.5 横:16 頁:952 | Magazine Book
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Hidden Treasures a Glimpse of Puppet Masterworks from the Ju
Hidden Treasures a Glimpse of Puppet Masterworks from the Ju Univ. of Connecticut (Exhibition Catalogue) |
| William Benton Museum of Art
1994 | 縦:27 横:21 頁:16 | 1隠れた宝:人形劇を垣間見る1994年6月5日から8月7日の大作
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Horse and Bamboo theatre
Horse and Bamboo theatre |
| Ash Print Press
1985 | 縦:30 横:21 頁:18 | ホース&バンブー・シアター。イギリスの人形劇団
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
How to do Punch and Judy
How to do Punch and Judy | Hempsey,Sidneyde
Hempsey,Sidneyde | cMagic
1972 | 縦:21.5 横:15 頁:84 | パンチとジュディ劇の演じ方
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
How to make Marionettes
How to make Marionettes | Avkley,Edith Flack
Avkley,Edith Flack | Grosset & Dunlap co
1936 | 縦:23 横:20 頁:24 | マリオネットの作り方
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Hula Kii Hawaiian Puppetry
Hula Kii Hawaiian Puppetry | Luomala,Katharine
Luomala,Katharine | The Institute for Polynesian studies
1984 | 縦:23.5 横:16 頁: | ハワイの人形劇
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Humor and Comedy in Puppetry
Humor and Comedy in Puppetry Celebration in Popular Culture | Sherzer,Dina
Sherzer,Dina | Bowling Green State Univ
1987 | 縦:23.5 横:15.5 頁:151 | 人形劇の中のユーモアとコメディ
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
I can Make Puppets
I can Make Puppets | Wallance,Mary
Wallance,Mary | greey de Pencier
| 縦:27 横:21.5 頁:32 | 人形が作れるよ
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Imagination at Play with Puppets and Creative Drama
Imagination at Play with Puppets and Creative Drama | Frazier,Nancy
Frazier,Nancy and others | Nancy Renfro Studios
1987 | 縦:28 横:21.5 頁:92 | 人形劇遊びと創作ドラマでのイマジネーション
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
In Search of Aesthetics for the Puppet Theatre
In Search of Aesthetics for the Puppet Theatre | Meschke,Michael
Meschke , Michael | Indira Gandhi National centre for the Ants
1992 | 縦:24.5 横:17.5 頁:176 |
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Instant Puppets for kids
Instant Puppets for kids | Walker,Lois
Walker,Lois | Pembroke
1989 | 縦:25.5 横:20.5 頁:63 | 子どものための即興人形劇 簡単にできる人形作りのアイデア
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
International Bibliography on Puppetry English Books 1945-19
International Bibliography on Puppetry English Books 1945-19 | Leleu-Rouvray,Genevieve
Leleu-Rouvray,Genevieve | K . G. Saur
1993 | 縦:24.5 横:17.5 頁:281 | 人形劇の英語本国際図書目録1945-1990
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
International Conference on Puppetry in Health Education and
International Conference on Puppetry in Health Education and 7th & 8th June 1994 |
(Conference Report) | London. School of Puppetry
1994 | 縦:30 横:21.5 頁:23 | 国際カンファレンス:健康教育とセラピーにおける人形劇
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
International institute of Marionette Art
International institute of Marionette Art |
| Korlova12,Czech Republic
| 縦:31 横:21.5 頁: | posters include
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
International Puppetry: The California Connection
International Puppetry: The California Connection Nov.11-Dec31 1994 | Exhibitioncatalogue
(Exhibition catalogue) | Palos Verdes Art Center
1994 | 縦:23 横:15.5 頁:13 | 国際人形劇:カルフォルニアのコネクション
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Jauets Solido 1957-1991
Jauets Solido 1957-1991 (Catalogue) | Azema, Bertrand
Azema, Bertrand | Editions Audiovisuel.
1991 | 縦:25.5 横:21 頁:754 |
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Jim Henson
Jim Henson Muppet Master | Aaseng,Nathan
Aaseng,Nathan | Lerner Pub.
1988 | 縦:22.5 横:19.5 頁:40 | ジムヘンソン:マペットのマスター。著者は作家
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Jim Henson Puppeteer and Films maker
Jim Henson Puppeteer and Films maker | Parish,James.R
Parish,James.R | Ferguson
2006 | 縦:21 横:15 頁:138 | ジムヘンソン:人形劇人、映画作家の伝記
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Jim Henson The Works
Jim HensonThe Works The Art,The Magic,The Imagination | Finch,Christopher
Finch,Christopher | Random house
1993 | 縦:26 横:26 頁:251 | ジムヘンソンの仕事:想像力と芸術とマジック
★所在:A C 更新日:2016-01-15 01:07:50 | |
John Wright and the Little Angel Theatre
John Wright and the Little Angel Theatre | George,Speaight
George,Speaight | Potheinos
1990 | 縦:24 横:16.5 頁:16 | ジョン・ライトとリトルエンジェルシアター 著者は演劇史研究者。
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Just Kermit and Me!
Just Kermit and Me! Muppet Babies | Weiss,Ellen
Weiss,Ellen | Muppet Press
1988 | 縦:18 横:18 頁:24 | (illus)Reynolds,Donna カーメットと私だけ! マペットの赤ちゃん
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Just so Stories
Just so Stories | Kipling,Rudyard
Kipling,Rudyard | Chatham River press.
1983 | 縦:22 横:14.5 頁:210 | 著者はイギリスの短編作家、詩人、児童作家。
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Just, Johannes Puppen Theater Sammgurg
Just, Johannes Puppen Theater Sammgurg |
| Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
1999 | 縦:22 横:17 頁:48 |
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |
Landscape and desire
Landscape and desire Bread and Puppet Pageants in the 1990s | Bell,John
Bell,John |
1990 | 縦:28 横:21.5 頁:40 | 景色と願望:1990年代のブレッド&パペットの野外劇。著者はアメリカの人形劇研究者。
★所在:A 更新日:2014-06-20 05:39:48 | |